In Japanese “shi” means finger and “atsu” pressure. Shiatsu is an oriental massage in which fingers, palms, elbows and knees are used to apply pressure along the Chinese acupuncture meridians. Like acupuncture, shiatsu aims to stimulate and balances the body’s vital energy, known as Ki in Japanese and Chi or Qi in Chinese. Shiatsu is given on a futon, on the floor, or on a treatment couch with the client fully clothed, preferably in loose, unrestricting clothing. Sessions normally last an hour to an hour and a half. For more information about shiatsu, you can look up the Shiatsu Society UK website. Please contact me, if you would like to book an initial consultation and I will get back to you to arrange a brief chat and send you a booking link and a medical intake form. If you are a returning client you can book your slot online here.