Traditional Acupuncture has been used in China and other Far Eastern countries for over 2000 years as a stand-alone therapy and, more recently, in combination with conventional western medicine. Its aim is to help maintain the body's equilibrium and promote physical and emotional wellbeing. It is a therapy which relies on a thorough diagnostic process and precise clinical skills. It works by insertion of very thin needles into points, which are situated along specific energy pathways (meridians) all over the body. The meridians are linked to each other and to the vital organs. Points are stimulated to remove energetic blocks and balance the vital energy (Qi) in the meridians and their connected organ systems. Although it originated in the the Far East, acupuncture is now widely used and accepted all over the world.
Acupuncture is safe during pregnancy and therefore used by many of my clients to manage symptoms while they are pregnant and in preparation for labour. You will find factsheets about research on acupuncture for many conditions on the British Acupuncture Council website.
Very thin sterile needles are used to stimulate the Qi in the meridians. Needle techniques are varied and can be performed with or without eliciting a sensation. Seeds or magnets can be left on the skin to stimulate points between treatments.
The smouldering of moxa - a refined and dried form of the herb Artemisia - over acupuncture points warms the energy before needling. In some instances it is used in lieu of needling or prescribed for home use between treatments.
Cups are often used at the onset of colds and for musculoskeletal tension. They can be left on specific areas of the body for some time or used in conjunction with oil for deep tissue massage.
Please contact me, if you would like to book an initial consultation and I will get back to you to arrange a brief chat and send you a booking link and a medical intake form. If you are a returning client you can book your slot online here.